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The Eternal Reward

A summer of sport is nearly done

Medals and trophies given to those who won

They've trained and endured to be the best

“Well done” they hear as they overcome the test.

There are no medals for those enduring trauma and pain

Going on day after day, sun, cloud or rain

Nothing prepares for this overwhelming test

Athletes job is done but we find little rest

Deep trauma makes you feel like you'll never win

Always looking for hope that at times wears very thin

But God's word tells us to keep running the race

Because at the end, we will see His face!

If we endure the test we will receive a crown of life

This promise helps us to keep going in trouble and strife

Even this crown, it seems, we will lay at His feet

All will pale into insignificance when He we will meet

The depth of trauma will soon come to an end

When Christ shall come and my knee shall bend

“Well done good and faithful servant”  I long to hear

For Trials, suffering and hardship we will no longer bear

We will stand at the bema seat of Christ for reward

It's this that we should all strain toward

Let's cheer each other on together in this race

Knowing we will all at last receive His loving embrace

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