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The Question of Healing

When our son Nathanael was involved in an horrific accident, immediately people began praying for him for God to intercede. The first thing we pleaded of God was to save his life, to keep him alive. 

As the days and weeks went by and we knew his life was preserved, we then asked people to pray for healing. Due to the severity of Nathanael’s head and brain injury we needed some massive healing to take place. 

Have we seen healing take place over the last 22 months or so? Without a doubt we have. Have the medics played a big part? Yes of course, no question. 

Is he walking and talking? No. Is he doing more than he was 22 months ago. Absolutely. 

Will he continue to improve as we pray to God for healing? Will he walk again unaided? Will he talk again and converse with folk just like he used to? We don’t know the answers to these questions. 

But our heart’s desire is to continually seek God and to keep going to Him, just like the persistent widow in Luke 18.

However, we cannot twist God’s arm to do what we want. We cannot talk Him into doing what we ask. We cannot demand healing or its timing. We cannot ‘name it and claim it’.

It would be wonderful if we saw instant and total healings take place all the time. We could pray for those who are sick and they recover. The same with salvation, wouldn’t it be great if people became Christians when we told them about Jesus. 

This would be OUR ideal when it comes to salvation and healing. 

Over our new series of video blogs we’re going to take a look at Scripture and our questions about healing. Especially we’ll look at those scriptures that are often quoted when it comes to healing. 

The aim of this vlog series is for us look seriously about what scripture teaches about healing and to not give people a false hope and expectation. But at the same time encourage ourselves to focus on the God of hope and the God who does heal. 

Tune in to our new upcoming series as we look and share together about God’s healing.

Prayer - Dear Lord, we thank You that have and continue to do, in Your time, such an amazing healing work in our son Nathanael. Many of us know and have experienced your healing touch in our own lives and those around us. Help us to be faithful in looking to You and Your Word for healing. Amen

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