As with any year period in a human life there have been highs and lows, positives, negatives, huge achievements, steps forward and also losses.
Firstly we must give thanks to God for faithfully keeping us, for He has carried us this far. Any determination, strength and courage in us has come from Jesus enabling us to continue on each day, through struggles and yet successes, through victories and also failures.

Nathanael has made remarkable progress this year, he is an incredibly resilient, determined boy whose confidence and joy in life is nothing short of inspirational to those he meets. His laugh is contagious and he brings smiles to many faces everyday.
As we end 2024 we want to share some of the most important progress made and positive memories of this past year:
January - Marked the start of big change in our lives as we moved out of our home of 11 years into a more suitable property for Nathanael’s mobility needs. We later came to understand that God used this property as a stepping stone until our now home was ready.
February - We celebrated Nathanael’s 9th Birthday - always a special time celebrating his life and how God has saved him.

March - We enrolled Nathanael at Able2B gym beginning with 1:1 sessions, ReBound and Swimspa therapies and a weekly group circuit training session. Attending Able2B has been one of Nathanael’s greatest achievements this year. The Able2B team have worked consistently with Nathanael to improve his core strength, coordination and ability.
April - Nathanael started with an online tutor to help assess and build his education skills ready for school
May - We prepared and trained as a family for two amazing sponsored physical events.

June - Nathanael took part in Able2B gym’s annual DYA - Discover your Ability event. Nathanael partnered with able bodied children to cycle 2 laps of a circuit and then walk the last leg of the circuit with support from founders Rachael Hutchinson and Jon Thaxton to receive his medal from former NCFC player Robert Fleck - what an amazing day.
The following week Nathanael took part in East Anglian Air Ambulance’s TREK 24 event where he cycled 2.4 miles and walked over the finish line with family support raising over £700 for EAAA - what a fantastic opportunity and experience.
July - Nathanael completed his online learning preparation and was miraculously given a place at The Clare School - the best complex needs school in the world. We attended transition days and got to know Nathanael’s wonderful new teacher and team.

August - Making the most of time together, family days out, swimming and activities at Able2B before September. We began to fundraiser for an all-terrain powered wheelchair so Nathanael could access beaches, forests, grassland, fields and parks.
September - Nathanael made an unbelievably positive and fantastic start at The Clare school settling into the class and routines incredibly easily with staff commenting on how it seemed like Nathanael had been there for ages. We saw a marked improvement in his vocalisations with him saying “Mum” and has since built on this including some new words like “ham” ‘myrrh” and “more”.

October - Nathanael was voted on to Pupil Voice the school council working with a team to come up with ideas to improve the school and its surroundings. As a family we moved house to a beautiful chalet bungalow in the countryside where we instantly felt at home and where God has restored so much to us. The peace and gardens, the landscape and home has blessed us immensely and came to us just right as this was an incredibly difficult time with my Dad passing away.
November - we are so grateful to our friends at Servants Church for all their prayer and financial support and giving. Many helped us raise money for Nathanael’s All terrain wheelchair by undertaking Sponsored events, organising an Auction Evening and special Bring and Buy coffee mornings.
Also this month Nathanael had the opportunity to go to 2 Norwich City Football matches - they won both games!
December - busiest month ever! Nathanael was incredibly busy at school attending school trips, participating as King Herod in the lower school nativity, not to mention all the Christmas parties, lunches and other activities.
At Able2B’s Christmas and year end party Nathanael was given their ‘best newcomer 2024’ award and given a certificate, medal and trophy - of which he is extremely proud.
Nathanael got his new Trekinetic all-terrain powered wheelchair and for the first time in 3 years! we went to the beach on Boxing Day and the chair performed amazingly across the sand!
To top off the year Nathanael received a letter and special Christmas card from His Majesty King Charles 3 sending his very best regards to Nathanael congratulating him on his progress in recovery and sending best wishes for his future.
You have to look back to see how far you have come, yes, there is darkness and deep suffering some days but as a very wise friend told us ‘it won’t always be this way’. Nathanael has made incredible steps forward this year. As he improves we improve. There is more to come, there is hope for our future and we trust God that He will continue to carry us in His everlasting arms in 2025 and beyond.
We are incredibly grateful to the teams at Able2B, East Anglian Air Ambulance, The Clare school and Servants church and to those of you who have prayed, given and for the unimaginable support and encouragement, and to Trekinetic for such an amazing freedom offering wheelchair.
Please continue to pray for Nathanael to be able to talk fully and walk and run again. Thank you all and may you have a blessed 2025.
It brings much joy to see God’s faithful hand in Nathanael’s life. What a blessing to see how God continues to lead your family. Indeed, looking back helps us to see clearer God’s heart in the midst of difficulties.
So proud of my miracle family🙏🙏
What a year Nathanael 🎉🎉🎉, there is more to come.